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A home for anyone looking to create, collaborate and work. Located in an urban jungle cozy environment in Tel Aviv.
Logo design
Design a simple logo and logotype that represent the structure of the house and the view of the sea at sunset. We've come up with a series of five variants to use on different platforms and media.

Design process
The Collabo building has four main areas
The roof
where events and workshop take place in a costume made dome.
represented by the top part of the logo.
the first floor is a co-working space where artists, designers,
content creators and therapists rent spaces. Represented by the middle part of the logo.
an outdoor café and sitting areas. Represented by the bottom part of the logo.
an unseen space below ground level, holds a night club and a recording studio. Represented by the negative space in the bottom right of the logo.
copies the behavior of the symbol. Three lines of text, each stands for it self and complete a full name together, a typographic collaboration.
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